In conversation with FEDERICA GARGIULO
She started working on fundraising at AIRC in 2008, today she is the Head of the partnership department. Federica Gargiulo is committed to developing collaborations with companies that aims to support research in the fight against cancers. Such as Marcolin. In the month dedicated to breast cancer prevention, we meet her to find out more: where is research at today?
AIRC boasts 4.5 million contributors that consistently sustain the values of our foundation. More than 9,000 companies have chosen to join AIRC’s mission, to continue to make cancer more curable. Thanks to all of them, AIRC is able to contribute to reaching important milestones in the treatment and cure of cancer. Just think that from 2010 to 2020 the percentage of people alive 10 years after diagnosis has increased by 54%. In particular, for breast cancers, in the last 30 years the percentage of people alive 10 years after diagnosis has increased from 78% to 88%. This means tens of thousands of people alive after diagnosis, considering that in Italy about 55,000 people are diagnosed with a breast cancer every year.
Choosing to finance a scholarship means believing in the future of research. Marcolin has decided to support a young researcher precisely for their first years of work to allow them to grow in their studies and experience in an Italian centre of excellence. This means supporting an AIRC scholarship. In addition, supporting a scholarship has a very strong impact, beyond the world of research, to include the economy, society, culture, and local area.
Marcolin is side-by-side with AIRC for the Pink Ribbon campaign, which is completely dedicated to collecting funds for breast cancer research, but also to raise awareness for the prevention and cure of this type of cancer. Since prevention is the first weapon available to all of us all the time to fight the onset of cancer, Marcolin also decided to seek to create a culture of awareness with its own employees, because knowledge is important in the fight against cancer. Just think that through choosing a healthy lifestyle and good habits, we can reduce the onset of cancers by 40%, for example, quitting smoking, a balanced diet and physical activity. These are the principal things each of us can do to become a health ambassador for your own family, for ourselves, and our colleagues.