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Alessandro Zoppa

Boundless visions of Stefano Guindani

Celebrated reportage and fashion photographer Stefano Guindani, who starred in the Framing Light project - where five contemporary Italian photographers were called to interpret WEB EYEWEAR’s values - talks about himself and his vision.

di Newsroom

visions of Lorenzo Posocco

Boundless visions of Lorenzo Posocco

Creating some of the most memorable red carpet looks on the planet and bringing his vision to the look of many celebrities, Lorenzo Posocco is one of the most influential stylists in the world today. Let's meet him to find out where he draws inspiration from.

di Newsroom

Anna Frabotta

Boundless visions of Anna Frabotta

Anna Frabotta, the founder of FRAB’S Magazine & More - a space devoted to indie publications - a journalist and a professor of fashion publishing at IED in Milan, is also the inventor and art director of Mag to Mag, the only Italian festival dedicated to independent magazines. The perfect place to observe future trends.

di Newsroom

Visions of Michela D'Angelo

Boundless visions of Michela D'Angelo

Let’s meet Michela D’Angelo, Muse Magazine Market Editor, a stylist and a former model for Marc Jacobs and Valentino, who today is a fashion consultant with a vocation for contemporary art.

di Newsroom