An International Network
It has been signed by 20,000 companies and 2,500 non-commercial signatories from over 167 countries around the world, including 500 in Italy. And among the companies, from today, there is also Marcolin. We are referring to the “United Nations Global Compact”, the largest corporate citizenship initiative, started in 2000 with a proposal by former United Nations Secretary Kofi Annan during the work of the World Economic Forum in Davos in 1999. The objective? Combat the critical aspects of globalization, from child labor to gender discrimination to air, water and land pollution. And promote a sustainable global economy, respectful of human and labor rights, environmental protection and the fight against corruption. For the first time in history, the commitment to align the objectives of the international community with those of the business world was established.

The Role of Marcolin
For the Longarone-based Group, this is a further step on the path towards concrete and tangible sustainability, based on a business process strategy that relies on three pillars: environment, people and supply chain. By adhering to the Global Compact, Marcolin is committed to sharing, supporting and applying the ten principles considered fundamental within its sphere of influence. These principles are those universally shared and derived from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration (labor), the Rio Declaration (environment and development) and the United Nations Convention Against Corruption.

An Increasingly Shared Vision
Almost 25 years after the establishment of the Global Compact (at the first summit attended by only 500 representatives of national governments, trade unions and UN agencies) it has become even more evident that this is the right direction. Because it is only by joining forces that every company can truly impact and contribute to building a more sustainable tomorrow, from all points of view, for present and future generations. And because achieving the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations is in everyone’s interest.