Small but Big
2024 opened with 1 big recognition: Marcolin received the Certification for Gender Equality, issued by the accredited bodies at Accredia, as an acknowledgement of the path undertaken a few years ago with the introduction of new inclusive and corporate welfare policies. 2 new showrooms opened their doors. The first in New York, on the 19th floor of an elegant building located at 270 Madison Avenue; the second in London, along the iconic Old Street, inside a network of historic warehouse-style buildings. 2 2024 editions of Marcolin Talks were held, offering engaging opportunities to meet with opinion leaders from a wide range of sectors: from economics to food, from Luxury to green. The first was organized in Shanghai, in collaboration with the Italian Chamber of Commerce in China, the second in New York, with journalist Arthur Zaczkiewicz, editor-in-chief of WWD, leading the meeting.

Confirmations and Projects
A total of 3 editions of Marcolin’s Leadership Academy took place this year, the last of which ended in February; this special training course was launched in 2001 and is dedicated to the company’s talents and future leaders. This year, a special space was devoted to Women’s Leadership. On the other hand, Marcolin contributed to a total of 4 projects, starting with the first edition of Made in Italy Day, promoted by Altagamma – of which Marcolin is a partner – and Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana. The company then joined (together with 20,000 companies from 167 countries around the world) the Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate social responsibility initiative aimed at addressing exploitation and corruption; it supported cancer research and participated in the 24th «Women, Economy & Power» seminar organized by the Bellisario Foundation.

Old Friends, New Partners
Finally, 6 Luxury fashion brands entered into an agreement with Marcolin this year, including 4 reconfirmations (Zegna, MAX&Co., GCDS and Skechers) and 2 new entries (Christian Louboutin and K-Way). This means that now Marcolin designs and produces eyewear for more than 20 brands. Lastly, the number 6 again: 6 Summer Buying Days events were held this year in Bologna, Santa Barbara (CA), Singapore, Shanghai, Sydney and Phuket, providing an opportunity to meet, discuss but also relax with customers and partners from different business areas across the world. These are just a few of the numbers that tell the story of Marcolin’s last 12 months. Numbers to remember and take with you into the coming year.