Framing Light Exhibition

Five Different Perspectives

A mix of Gaia Bonanomi’s impressions poised between nature, light and silhouettes, Camilla Ferrari’s poetic interplay of shades and colors, the enigmatic power of Stefano Guindani’s images, Giulia Mantovani’s clean and cinema-inspired aesthetic and Nicolò Parsenziani’s ironic urban style. Five photographers, five different perspectives in terms of age, experience and education, brought together for the «one shot event» Framing Light: Exploring the Essence of Vision through Italian Photography. The exhibition will open its doors to the public only on February 8, from 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., at the Salone dei Tessuti, a prestigious location dating back to the 1920s and located in Via San Gregorio in Milan.

Foto Fotografi Mostra Framing Light

An Innovative Exhibition

An event that was strongly promoted by Marcolin to recount the three values of the WEB EYEWEAR collection, the Group’s house brand: style, transparency and quiet luxury, through the shots of five professional photographers. And an exhibition that showcases the fruits of a little challenge: being able to recount the essence of a brand without ever showing its products, going beyond the traditional concept of eyewear marketing. The five photographers involved, crossing the boundary of advertising photography, evoke emotions and tell poetic and «open» stories for visitors to make their own and interpret.

Framing Light Exhibition

The Talk Appointment

The exhibition follows a contemporary and flexible vision that, on the evening of February 7, will be displayed through a talk during a private event organized by Marcolin. At the event, the five photographers in the exhibition will discuss with Marcolin Group Creative Director Lara Marogna and the Advertising Writer Paolo Iabichino, moderated by fashion designer & consultant Andrea Batilla. The perfect opportunity to discover new perspectives, trends and tips related to the world of eyewear, starting from three words. The brand’s core values.

Framing Light Exhibition

La mostra Framing Light

Cinque sguardi diversi

Ci sono le impressioni tra natura, luce e silhouette di Gaia Bonanomi, la poetica giocata tra sfumature e colori di Camilla Ferrari, la potenza enigmatica delle immagini di Stefano Guindani, l’estetica pulita e cinematografica di Giulia Mantovani e l’ironico urban-style di Nicolò Parsenziani. Cinque fotografi, cinque sguardi diversi per età, esperienze e formazione, riuniti insieme in occasione della mostra “one shot event” Framing Light: Exploring the Essence of Vision through Italian Photography, aperta al pubblico solo l’8 febbraio, dalle 13 fino alle 22, all’interno del Salone dei Tessuti, prestigiosa location degli anni Venti in via San Gregorio a Milano.

Foto Fotografi Mostra Framing Light

Una mostra innovativa

Un appuntamento fortemente voluto da Marcolin per raccontare i tre valori della collezione WEB EYEWEAR, house brand del Gruppo: gusto, trasparenza e quiet luxury, attraverso le immagini di cinque professionisti della fotografia.  E un’esposizione che mette in scena i frutti di una piccola sfida, quella di riuscire a raccontare l’essenza di un brand senza mai mostrarne i prodotti, riuscendo ad andare oltre il concetto tradizionale di eyewear marketing. I cinque fotografi coinvolti, superando il confine della fotografia pubblicitaria, hanno evocato emozioni e raccontato storie poetiche e “aperte”, che i visitatori potranno fare proprie e interpretare.

Framing Light Exhibition

L’appuntamento con il talk

Una mostra che segue una vision contemporanea e flessibile che, la sera del 7 febbraio, sarà raccontata attraverso un talk in occasione di un evento privato organizzato da Marcolin. Un appuntamento che vedrà dialogare i cinque autori degli scatti in mostra, la Creative Director di Marcolin Lara Marogna e lo scrittore pubblicitario Paolo Iabichino, con la moderazione del fashion designer e consultant Andrea Batilla. L’occasione giusta per cogliere sguardi, tendenze e suggestioni legati al mondo dell’eyewear, proprio a partire da tre parole. I valori più importanti di questo brand.

Framing Light Exhibition

Stephan Hinkerode


You worked in luxury brand development until you joined Marcolin in 2016, as the Head of DACH first and then also of the UK and Nordics. Did different countries require different strategies?

«I started working for Marcolin as the general manager of DACH, that means Austria, Switzerland and Germany, and after a few years I had the chance to take the lead of the Nordic and the UK countries, too. Approaching such different markets is very challenging, because you need to look beyond the brand’s core and you also must know the different approaches, needs and preferences of each market. But at the same time you need to keep into account that over the years all the markets change a lot, especially the needs and the customer behavior are completely different».

Stephen Hinkerode

How have these markets – that are so strategic for the Eyewear industry – changed over the past years?

«They have changed greatly. Let’s just think about digitalization: this gives us plenty of different playing fields. For example, at the moment the end consumers have the chance to have different online options, so they make their decisions a bit faster or a bit more secure. But, at the same time, they still love to go inside the shop and have this personalized in-store experience: this is so important for end consumers».

Stephen Hinkerode

What are the greatest challenges for 2025?

«As for the main challenges, in my opinion, the balance between innovation and the customer-centric approach is a very big key, because we need to make sure we can reach all the opticians, stores and, consequently, our end customers. Another challenge is digital optimization, an issue that Marcolin has always been committed to: if you look at our latest website tool, it’s a customer-centric tool that allows our customers to contact us anytime. And, for us, it’s brilliant that we can connect with our customers off the clock, because this will be the center of our mission also in 2025: to be the preferred eyewear partner for all opticians».

Stephen Hinkerode