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The pink ribbon, symbol of breast cancer research

Photo: Press Office

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Marcolin Alongside AIRC

Starting in October, Breast Cancer Prevention Month, Marcolin will focus on raising awareness among employees and stakeholders. And not only.

di Newsroom

The Value Of Research

Over the course of nearly 60 years, AIRC has funded the training, the best equipment and the work of thousands of researchers thanks to whom, today, about 88 percent of women with cancer continue to live years after diagnosis. This is the result of the efforts of AIRC, the Italian cancer research Foundation established in 1965 by a group of visionaries and determined scientists, including Luigi Veronesi and Luigi della Porta. And which today, for the second year, can also count on the support of Marcolin.

Airc and Marcolin for breast cancer prevention month

Marcolin’s Commitment

The Longarone-based company will fund a scholarship to train a researcher whose focus area is breast cancer. Indeed, the challenge is still open in the fight against the most aggressive forms, and it is only through the efforts by supporters and partners of the Nastro Rosa campaign that AIRC can hope to achieve the greatest goal: curing all women. In addition, starting in October, a month traditionally dedicated to the prevention of the most common cancer among women, Marcolin will kick off an awareness drive open to all employees beginning with AIRC’s advice for a healthy lifestyle: don’t smoke, exercise, choose a healthy and balanced diet, and get the recommended checkups for early detection.

“Marcolin will kick off an awareness drive open to all employees beginning with AIRC’s advice for a healthy lifestyle”.
Airc and Marcolin for breast cancer prevention month

Hope For All

An important choice consistent with the philosophy of a company in which 60 percent of employees are women. Because prevention begins precisely with adopting healthy behaviors; this way each person can become an ambassador of well-being for themselves and others. Also, in the workplace. But it is not enough: Marcolin has always believed in the importance of scientific research as a driver of social progress. Investing in the training of young talent in science becomes a valued action to enable the best ideas to be transformed into opportunities for all. For society and for individuals.

Airc and Marcolin for breast cancer prevention month