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Summer Buying Days 2024

Behind the scenes About Augmented Reality

Marcolin focuses on augmented reality technology and launches an immersive tour project within its Italian factories, through which it will be possible to discover the behind the scenes story of the fascinating eyewear manufacturing.

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Behind the scenes About From the idea to the prototype

If we were looking for a simple definition, a dictionary would suffice to discover that prototyping is that stage of the industrial process in which a product prototype is created, and that, by extension, it refers to the company department dedicated to its creation. To gain access to the world that lies behind simple definitions, we visited the Longarone headquarters of the Marcolin Group to find out more.

di Newsroom

Behind the scenes About New MetaHumanism

There are several factors that influence the shapes and colours of the glasses we wear. Needs, desire and necessities are the elements that a creative intercepts, by means of intuition, in order to give body, shape and colour to tomorrow’s collections.

di Newsroom

Behind the scenes About Summer in your shades

Following the rhythm of the colour wheel that, like the Plough in the sky, recalls the idea of movement, we observed the transition from the cold season to the warm one together with Silvia De Col, Colour & Material Coordinator at our Longarone headquarters.

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